科目名稱(Course Title):飛機系統維修與實務 |
教學大綱(Syllabus): |
序號 |
內容綱要(Content) |
教學時數(Teaching Hours) |
備註(Remarks) |
1 |
停機線與工廠的安全守則(Rule of Line and Shop Maintenance Safety ) |
3 |
2 |
一般防滅火與飛機防滅火的認識(Aircraft Fire Protection and Distinguish ) |
3 |
3 |
地面機械員實作與口試項目(A/P Technician Practice and aural test Item) |
3 |
飛機(直昇機)維護與檢查(含地面勤務) (Aircraft / Helicopter)Maintenance and Inspection |
3 |
飛機燃油系(Aircraft Fuel System) |
3 |
飛機液壓系(含起落架、煞車等) (Aircraft Hydraulic System---Including Landing Gear, Brake System etc.) |
3 |
飛機儀表及導航系(Aircraft Instrument and Navigation Systems) |
3 |
飛機電器系(Aircraft Electrical System) |
3 |
飛機修護文件與維護記錄(含MEL&維護表單內容了解與運用) (Aircraft Maintenance ) |
3 |
飛機機艙加壓與溫度調節系(Aircraft Cockpit En-pressurization and Temperature Control System ) |
1 |
飛機點火及電器系(含超溫警告系) (Aircraft Ignition and Electrical System---Including Over-heat Warning System) |
1 |
飛機發動機儀表 (Aircraft Engine Instruments) |
1 |
飛機發動機起動與試車實務(Aircraft Engine Starting and Running Practice) |
3 |
飛機起落架系統試驗實務(Aircraft Landing System Testing and Inspection Practice) |
3 |
飛機儀表系統試驗實務(Aircraft Instrument System Testing and Inspection Practice) |
3 |
飛機電器系統試驗實務(Aircraft Electrical System Testing and Inspection Practice) |
3 |